Saturday, March 16, 2013

The Journey's First Rest

Week one down!  For the first 5 days, I came home and looked for a place to live.  InTown Suites had terrible internet, it was small, and to top it all off, they went up in price ($10/week). After searching and searching (all the places I found that I could afford were full and wouldn't have an apartment ready before the 1st of April), I finally found a place on Thursday, and so I signed a lease.  It's a pretty decent apartment, but it's empty without any furniture.  All of my furniture is in Georgia, and it'll be later before I can figure out a way to get it up here.  Samantha is going to bring me some more stuff when she comes to visit in 6 days.  I'm so excited for her visit.  I miss her so much.  And my pupper, who gets to visit, too!

Just finished getting things settled about an hour or two ago (from the time I write this).  I got the electric in my name, moved from InTown Suites, unpacked, cleaned up (with the exception of the dirty dishes from cooking lunch), and called Comcast to get some interwebz.  Now I can enjoy my weekend (it's apparently St. Patty's Day) before I go back to work on Monday.

Work itself is great.  There's a learning curve, but I can handle it. I definitely enjoy my job, though!

Until next time...

Sunday, March 10, 2013

A Semi-expected Journey

Hard work and sacrifice.  These may or may not be words to describe my past, but they service the theme to at least the next 6 months of my life.

Yesterday, I packed my truck with my clothes and a few other belongings and moved, alone, to North Charleston, South Carolina. My wife, in order to finish out her first school- year of teaching, stayed behind in Georgia, and I miss her immensely. Here I am, in a place I am entirely unfamiliar with, without my wife, and with zero friends in the area.

Tomorrow, I start a job working at the Google Data Center, which I am very excited about. While I am not working FOR Google, I will be working at the datacenter alongside full-time Googlers. This is my first information technology job since graduating from Georgia Southern University in May 2012. I feel like I should have had an IT job already, having graduated 10 months ago, but I feel blessed to have the opportunity to work with Google, even as a contractor.

For the next week, I will be staying at an extended-stay hotel in North Charleston, while looking for a house or apartment to move into next weekend. The biggest challenges are coming up with the deposits that will be due at the signing of the lease, and getting all the utilities turned on. Here at InTown Suites, the rent is all inclusive, which is nice, but it's also not inexpensive. The internet here is terrible, delivering less than a quarter of a megabyte speed (both up and down), which puts a damper on my plans to Skype or play Minecraft with Samantha on a regular basis. I guess I will have to resort to using free public wifi from places like McDonald's.

That's it for now. I will make an honest attempt to keep this blog updated, although no one should expect any details about my job. I am not, and will not be, at liberty to share those details. This blog will mainly be about my adventures and experiences in starting my career and growing in my profession.

Thanks for reading and feel free to contact me anytime via email at